Project Type-

Theatre Production


March 2023


Palace Court Theatre


Luke Kernaghan

The Ballad of Maria Marten

The Ballad of Maria Marten is a heart-wrenching true story that follows Maria’s struggle of abuse through life. Written by Beth Flintoff and set in 1927 in a red barn in Suffolk.

I worked closely with Set Designer Alice Drury as her Scenic Supervisor, having prior experience in this role really helped throughout this process. The play was performed in the Palace Court Theatre, which was the first official play being held there with the University which brought its own struggles along side. We had to do a lot of maintenance for this performance from the floor to the pipe and drape. It was also interesting creating the set for a stage that had an apron with a large step.

We had five separate pieces for the back slates so they were easier for transportation, raked ramps were used to get from the main stage to the apron and two hay bales were wrapped in netting and flamebared for fire safety.


Therese Raquin


The Tempest